-The follow will be earmarks in the exploits of a lifelong student trying to understand the world of education and the fast changing technology that affects it in order to become something else, something more.
Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

- Create an interactive community through their joy of reading.
- Share resources, references and ideas with one another.
- Critique opinions in a constructive manner.
- Interpret themes and motifs of books.
- Discuss thoughts and feelings with valid reasons.
- Create a safe place online that can be accessed at anytime and anywhere for the members to be able to post freely.
- Start “springboards” for discussions based on book types, genre as well as a member lounge for casual conversation and a help board.
- Create parameters in which to grade or evaluate; such as logon frequency, number of posts, profile filling, length of book list, quality of contributions and etc.
- Frequently check to see participation outside of group, whether he or she is observing outside blogs, posting in other forums or talking more in social gatherings.
- Create a set time frame to track accordingly.
- Collect Data.

- Do you like the process?
- What do you not like about the process?
- Will you continue to use the program?
- Is there another way you can use the program?
- Any suggestions or improvements you would like to make to the process?
Saturday, April 16, 2011


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Possibly one of the most overlooked aspects of online and E-learning, the skill of typing. Well, I for one have not forgotten this important art. People and students take advantage of this skill too often, but seldom continue to train themselves in its practice. Typing fast is considered to be a great trait to have and will aid anyone in this fast modern times. Whether you're typing up a newsletter, a blog or a short story the ability to do anything fast is always a great asset. Typingweb is a free online typing tutor with simple typing tutorials that help you learn the "home row" and the other parts of the keyboard. There are also fun flash games to help you build speed while having fun. In addition to that is also comes with a great Progress system that keeps in check how well you do by how many mistakes, trouble keys and words per minute. The statistics of the people or students can be linked to a teacher profile so he or she can see the results. Its all very neat and very free, saves you money on other expensive software. From novice to Professional typists, there is always something to work on. This site can even handle General to 10-Key Certifications, fully recognized by employers. This is practically your one stop shop for all your typing needs. Just create an account and start typing, its that simple. Please give it a try. Well that’s all I got for now, I’ll keep you posted if anything else develops.
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

At the end of Chapter 6, it's easier to see things better. The good things about iMovie (I hate comparing them) is that I don't have to render effects, transitions or really anything I do in the editor, which is really nice and convenient, versus having to render virtually everything I do in Final Cut Pro. The Precision Editor in iMovie is extremely useful as slip editing can help save a lot of time, Final Cut Pro doesn't have anything like that to my knowledge. The bad things about iMovie is that it's trying to do too much and the extra stuff isn't all that good. Trying to imitate Apple Color, they tried to allow the user to perform very delicate color corrections in the Inspector, which really need more fine tuning and easily blow out or distort the quality image. Its nifty that they included a green screen and blue screen option that allows you to do video composition and editing all in one software. The problem right now is that it just does it and it won't allow you tweak how it does it and the cropping tool only allows four points. I would personally use Nuke because of its many options that only aid in the green screen process. For the casual person for fun events or family activities, this is an ideal software, but professional iMovie doesn't give enough options that allow for modification and correction that other video editing and compositing software offers. I haven't gotten to audio yet, so I hope that it meets up to par or has something new to offer. See you soon with the suspenseful conclusion of the iMovie Practical Experience.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hello, everyone. I’ve got a real ringer for you. I’m here to talk about “Join.me”, a web 2.0 tool that allows you to share your screen with someone else, or a group of up to 250 people. Pretty exciting right? You’re probably wondering why this interests people. Well, I’m sure everyone gets tired of assembling for meetings, or gets sick for a lesser sense. With “Join.me”, now you won’t have to worry about having a physical place for meetings. This web tool is fast and simple to use, with virtual no downloading. Share the code with your co-workers and presto, they are at a computer watching you present. It definitely takes the scary out of speaking in a room full of people who decide your future. “Join.me” maybe be a little scary, heck its like having a bunch of people watching over your shoulder, but no worries. This tool is anything but, its designed with the user in mind and it does what is says it does without all the bells and whistles. You share your screen with someone or anyone for that matter. It’s simple, effective and versatile for so many different things. So what else other than board meetings would it be good for? Well, let’s say your client or student is having trouble with a file on their computer, or something isn’t working right. Well, you could just share a ScreenFlow video, but where’s the feedback. There’s something to be said about showing someone how to do something versus watching a video on how to do it. With “Join.me” now we can show our student or client how to fix and address the problem while answering any more individual questions they may have. Not just with fixing problems, “Join.me” can also be used to teach your more “distanced” or online learners. When introducing new software or presenting a mulitmedia presentation, your students won’t have to wonder what’s happening and rewatch the video, but learn it the first time and be connected to it.