So, I felt this would be a good place for the first post. I'm at the end of chapter 3 and so far everything is fairly "hum-drum" for a video editing software. Mac likes making fancy friendly user interfaces, but other than that I'm not too impressed. The next chapter doesn't look very interesting either. I'm waiting for the audio editing and the transitions sections. I don't know where the audio options are and the last thing that seemed promising was the Transitions and the Background buttons in the tool bar. I'm an avid Final Cut Pro user, so it will prove interesting to see how the other one stacks up. I mean don't get me wrong, iMovie is one of the industry standards but I haven't seen anything particularly special that sets itself apart from the rest. We'll just have to wait and see... I wouldn't be very good at what I do if I didn't broaden my horizons and give this program a good run through. That's what I have so far, you'll be hearing from me in a bit.
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