WK 3 Reading: How to be "Present" In Life?

Zander & Zander (2000). The Art of Possibility. The next set of chapters were even more wonderful pleasantries that I thought were obvious. But I continue to put myself out of my open shoes and into someone else's shoes who aren't so open. Someone who has gone through life letting their "calculative self" take hold of their actions. It is so easy to forget this valuable lessons in these readings and fall back onto old habits. I have personally been a practitioner of the ever vivacious "The Secret" when I saw the DVD back in 2006 and reading the book soon after. It followed the same concept of looking past the dreaded wall, the blaming, and all the other barriers that keep people from thinking about the other possibilities. It was nice to see this method back in action and myself being all to familiar with it. I cannot give myself to much credit, however I am one to never forget to give credit where credit is due and not blame others for my mistakes. Leading from any chair doesn't mean everyone can be a leader, it just means that by taking the ideas and opinions of others, it helps to improve the quality of the end result/product. I cannot help but see it all the time in kid's cartoons, though I seldom see it done outside of the cartoon world and into our own (minus the limited charities and food drives that get their five minutes of fame on the news). I had been recently researching successful business strategies for the 21st century when I stumbled upon an article regarding the importance of employee morale and identity to increase productivity. Multiple times throughout this research there were multiple references to the Walt Disney Company and there practices and how they have had business "magic" in addition to bringing dreams alive everyday to their customers in their parks and through their products. They stressed that the Walt Disney Company has the best, in the world, business practices and are constantly sought after by other top business. Some of their practices include how they treat their employees. I have always wanted to work for Disney/Pixar as a kid, that's why I went into Computer Animation, but now as an adult I still have a reason too. Not only have the stipulations of employees shattered, but the norms and guidelines as well. The particular points I want to emphasize (I could spend a whole blog post on Disney Business Practices but I won't) are training, recognition, individuals and incentive. The Walt Disney Company stresses the importance of these four points by offering their "Cast Members" a weekly training sessions for new employees, a monthly "Gong Show" for the addressing ideas to company Heads and an easy incentive program to build up time and extras while you work. It figures a company that was grounded by cartoons would be able to embrace and use cartoon methodology in all their workings. But in all seriousness, why is this so easily lost in the real world? Then it hit me, because the calculated self is about survival and fails to take into account others succeeding with you instead of just yourself. I hate to hear/read that humans are selfish by nature, but it just seems that there is little proof otherwise. I for one try to change this caste and at least make more moves that are for the greater good and benefit more than just me. Rule Number 6, wasn't an actual rule until I realized that I had already been doing it without even knowing it. I am not one to constantly want comedy, I really need to be in the mood to watch it and I never tell jokes nor readily laugh when the occasion calls for it. This probably makes me look like a stick in the mud. On the contrary, it makes those moments when things are hilarious more special, and those moments where I am stressed more available to me when I need them to be. While I was reading this chapter, I couldn't help but thing about my final months of my Computer Animation degree. The last five months are the best equivalent to hell I have experienced, but a good kind of hell. Between the long hours of working, sleepless nights, constant critiques and the multiple amounts of technical failure, I cannot even begin to describe how stressful this kind of work can be. After going through it and being in retrospect it is not as bad, but looking back at some of my reflective writings during those months I'm surprised I didn't hang myself. In any case, during those long render times, I found myself wanting to laugh and I would constantly be looking for funny things to watch or listen to while I worked. Two things which kept me sane were Disney Parodies and Teen Titan clips (I have a strange sense of humor). I didn't realize until I read this book how I instinctively knew what I needed when I needed it. Due to the exuberant amount of stress, the best way to relieve such stress was through laughter and comedy, the important Rule Number 6. It is crazy how easy it is to forget laughter and comedy in a workplace. But it is important that being really serious all the time will eventual burn one out and you can find yourself in a downward spiral. This brings us to why being in the "Present" helps us get to our passions. No one wants you to fail (well this can be debated, but this is getting rather lengthy already) and its important not to get stuck in a rut or all the coulds, the woulds and the shoulds. One needs to not be stuck at the wall or the other barriers and just be able to find themselves at the crossroads of possibility. Think about what you can do, how can you make the most of what you have? It is as simple as that some time and our calculative self gets so wrapped up in this, that and another to be blindsided into thinking about the simple solutions that are right in front of us. Passion in it of itself should be the guiding light you should base all your decisions off of, but for the calculative self, its not so easy and we make more and more decisions not based on passion. I want to put that I have been facing this dilemma, although my drive has been geared for Passion, I can't help but think about the ifs and the buts. A Professor told me that if one is passionate about what they want, there will be a way, you just have to continue until you find your way. I remind myself these words quite often and have told others the same words to give them courage. True one can take the safe route in which they can survive but if you want happiness you can only find that by doing what you are passionate about and that means taking risks, unexpected turns and the occasional leaps of faith.
Wow, what a great review and reflection of the reading. I love the quote: "While I was reading this chapter, I couldn't help but thing about my final months of my Computer Animation degree. The last five months are the best equivalent to hell I have experienced, but a good kind of hell." Well said and well captured. I've definitely been on that road before.