Sunday, November 20, 2011

WK 4 Publishing Presentation Project

Over the course of the past year, I have gone through a complete project investigating the coalition of collaboration and critique and its affects on Motivation on a small adult group. The group's prime focus was on education and the improvement of lesson plans. After processing all of Phase 1 and Phase 2, I shall finalize my findings and explore the possibility of a Phase 3. This has been such an eye-opening experience that I wish to share my findings with everyone. I believe that "there are certain things that should be done in person" and the presenting of my experience needs to be done by me, not to be left in the archives of the net, never to be seen again. This is important and I wish to share it with everyone. My topic can be shared in a broad enough circle, not only including education, but within the groups of business and technology fields. Since I have never done such a thing before I needed to find a place with a more willingness for inexperienced/first-time presenters. I have selected PodCamp Cincinnati 2012 for their welcoming approach to presenters and their broad range of topics, mostly centering around Social Media. Forums aren't enough anymore, as people (young and old) require an online platform with more features and a centralized location for resources.

PodCamp Cincinnati 2012 Home Page:

WK 2 Think Out-Loud PPP: To Present or to Publish?: Link

WK 3 Think Out-Loud PPP: The UnConference: Link

Presentation Document: Link


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